CLW Workshop
CLW Workshop
What does a CLW Include?
Who Leads a CLW? The Canadian Anglican Cursillo Secretariat (CACS), which is made up of representatives elected by member Diocesan Cursillo Movements across the country, selects a team of three leaders; one of which is the Chair of CACS who is the Team Leader, and two other members of CACS, one of which is a Priest who will act as a Spiritual Director for the weekend. If it is not possible to have all members of the CLW Team from the current CACS membership, then the Chair of CACS may call upon former members of CACS to assist so long as they have attended a CLW in the past. Who Should Attend a CLW? A CLW is meant for any Cursillista who wants to broaden his or her understanding of Cursillo. The CLW is designed to help Cursillistas deepen their commitment to Christ, discover their leadership roles or leadership potential, and better understand both the Cursillo method and the Cursillo movement itself. It is particularly beneficial for a host movement to encourage other Diocesan movements to send participants to the CLW, as the sharing is thus enhanced. What do we do if our Diocese would like to host a CLW? If a Diocesan Secretariat has decided that they would like to host a CLW, the first step is to contact either your CACS representative or the CACS Chairperson. (Please see the CACS Representatives on this site for e-mail an e-mail link to the Chair and the CACS Representative for your area.) Please indicate your preferred date and an alternate date as well. A Virtual CLW is also an option. Contact with CACS should be made at least eight to twelve months before your preferred date. This lead time is necessary to allow sufficient time for a team to be appointed, dates confirmed, and then for the Diocesan Movement to provide ample notice to their Cursillistas and other nearby Dioceses. Once dates are confirmed, usually the Lay Director of the Diocesan Movement or their designate is provided with a comprehensive set of guidelines for planning the CLW. For Further Information Contact your local CACS representative or the National Chairperson. |