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CACS VISION 2021 – 2024


1.      Governance

In order to ensure the integrity of CACS, its mandate and licensing agreement:

v  Ensure integrity of the licensing agreement and maintain communication with Episcopal Cursillo Ministry (ECM).

v  Continue liaison with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Cursillos to ensure the authenticity of the Movement

v  Need to continue identification of donations through Diocesan Report Forms

v  Create a three-year budget to guide the finances of CACS

v  Provide financial statements at CACS meetings and record in CACS minutes

v  Ensure a review of the books and integrity of reporting to Revenue Canada in order to retain Charitable organization status

v  Review of the CACS Constitution and development of Bylaws as needed

v  Continue to review and revise Diocesan Reports forms to include questions which will help to ensure accountability, maintenance and authenticity of movements

v  Together with Indigenous ministries, explore ways to encourage and develop relationships with First Nations and Metis people to promote in the sharing the Cursillo Method.


2.      Communications

CACS will emphasize and improve communications to heighten visibility and awareness through:

v  Web Site (

v  Newsletter ( – CACS Tab – Rooster Tales) and Minutes

v  CACS representatives contacting local Secretariats on a regular basis

v  Articles in the Anglican Journal, local Diocesan Newspapers and local Movement newsletters

v  Update PowerPoint presentation entitled Cursillo and the Parishes, and make it available through the CACS Website to be utilized by Diocesan Secretariats

v  Investigate means to bridge the generation gap, i.e., fostering involvement of youth (the 20 - 40's generation)


3.      Support Diocesan Relationships


Activities identified for action include:

v  Review and/or revise CACS guideline more than five years old and develop new ones as required

v  Creation of "Helpful Hints" papers on various subjects to assist Diocesan Secretariats

v  Provision of information concerning Palanca distribution through the Communication tools: Newsletter, Social Media, Website

v  Encourage development of Pastoral Plans and Pastoral Plan Guidelines to provide better support for Diocesan relationships.

v  Begin dialogue with Dioceses with no movements to encourage development of Cursillo in these areas

v  Assist struggling movements with provision of workshops and through CACS Representatives so that the movements can bloom where they are planted

v  Encourage local movements to include Cursillo and Cursillo activities in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

v  Assist Diocesan Movements in reviewing and updating ECM and CACS guidelines and libraries through the provision of updates

Approved – CACS Meeting
March 2019